Facilitating Capital Through Collaboration

Who We Are
The Alliance is a statewide CDFI made up of a network of community development stakeholders, lenders, financiers, and investors focused on increasing capital resources for South Carolina’s most underserved and undercapitalized communities to support job creation opportunities. By engaging in public policy and capacity-building support to developing a network to support community investment and generate economic opportunities and growth, the Alliance raises, leverages, and aligns capital for community economic development; identifies gaps in community development financing, and facilitates co-investment opportunities between and among community development financial institutions (CDFI)s for qualified projects.

Transitioning to a Venture Capital CDFI
The SC Community Capital Alliance is excited to announce a new capitalization strategy and our transition to South Carolina’s first CDFI venture capital fund! In September 2022, the Board of Directors voted to establish a Micro Equity Fund to invest in promising small manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, disaster recovery, and bioscience firms, including environmental and energy firms in South Carolina. The launch of the new fund is an initial investment of $500,000 to generate market-rate returns while promoting sustainable business growth throughout South Carolina.
As a CDFI venture capital fund, the Alliance will deploy capital to strengthen community development financing in South Carolina by providing direct equity capital investments for small manufacturers and businesses.
Development of the Micro Equity Fund is underway and more information will be provided on our website in February 2023. Interested in investing or learning more, contact us for more information.